The distance between Diemen and city center is 6-7 km. It takes 20 min by tram, 10 min by train and 40 min by bike.
Diemen is your typical suburb, with one mall, lot of row houses and some apartment buildings. Lots of students live here and they a live in five, fifteen story apartment buildings. That area is really easy to notice.
Diemen itself is really quiet during evenings, not like Amsterdam at all. We have a nice soccer field right next to us and we use it often (damn you Spanish guys! You are going down!).
Here are some photos from Diemen:
That is it for this time. Next update will be about school :)
7km on tosi lähellä mielestäni. Mulla on kouluun 5km matka ja oon meikällä on reippaasti lyhhyin koulutie ku muihin luokkalaisiin vertaa (50minnuuttia-2,5h matkat). Mulla meni tännäänki vartti pyöräillessä..
VastaaPoistaMiten sinne Diemenniin päävyit?
Melkein kaikki meidän koulun vaihtarit asuu täällä. Yliopiston vaihtarit asuu taas keskustassa...
VastaaPoistaSpanish guys to the power!!!